12 Excellent Biochemistry Jobs

Biochemistry jobs can be a wonderful fit for you if chemistry and biology were two of your favorite classes in school. Biochemists concentrate on the molecular processes that underlie the functioning of living things. You can work in a variety of scientific fields, including medicine, forensics, genomics, plant sciences, and microbiology. This article examines the definition of “biochemistry” as well as the various biochemistry-related occupations available to you.

Biochemistry: What is it?

Many living species’ internal chemical processes are studied in the interdisciplinary field of biochemistry. To better comprehend and address numerous biological problems, this laboratory-based discipline blends biology and chemistry. Several people who work in biochemistry investigate elements like lipids, mitochondria, and proteins to understand how cells respond among themselves. They can utilize this information to understand life, treat illnesses, and educate others about health issues.

Biochemistry careers

Biochemistry specialists can operate in a range of contexts, including labs, clinics, and pharmacies. The most typical biochemistry jobs are listed below for your consideration:

1. A chemical technician

National median yearly salary: $49,081

Primary responsibilities: A chemical technician with biochemistry jobs performs chemical and testing processing with engineers and chemists at production facilities or labs. The chemical constituents of various substances are determined, experiments are monitored, lab apparatus is set up and cleaned, technical reports are produced, experiment results are interpreted, and experiment results are presented to chemists and engineers.

2. A lab technician

National median yearly salary: $50,189

Primary responsibilities: A laboratory technician with biochemistry jobs helps chemists and biologists with various scientific tests and laboratory investigations. They are primarily responsible for acquiring and labeling specimens, arranging and storing chemicals, utilizing laboratory equipment to obtain samples, testing those samples, keeping records of laboratory results, procedures, and equipment, and washing, sterilizing, and caring for all lab equipment.

3. A forensics technician

National median yearly salary: $50,657

Primary responsibilities: Test samples and report results to aid in criminal investigations are the main responsibilities of forensic science technicians. Besides from gathering evidence from a crime scene, performing ballistic tests, chemical analyses, and DNA profiling, meticulously examining evidence in the lab, recording and submitting findings, and appearing as an independent expert in court proceedings are other important duties.

4. A forensic scientist

National median yearly salary: $64,753

Primary responsibilities: The main responsibilities of forensic scientists with biochemistry jobs are to gather and analyze evidence to support criminal cases and aid in the prosecution of suspects by law enforcement. Important responsibilities include evaluating bloodstain patterns at murder scenes, helping in postmortem examinations, tracing compounds in bodily liquids and tissues, such as narcotics, photographing and documenting crime scene photos, and attending autopsies to make educated observations.

5. A chemical engineer

National median yearly salary: $64,825

Primary responsibilities: Chemical engineers with biochemistry jobs use mathematics and science to assess, install, and upgrade machinery and procedures to ensure the smooth operation of chemical enterprises. Other responsibilities include creating, putting forth, and enhancing strategies that will assist organizations to achieve their objectives, doing research and watching manufacturing processes to find ways to improve company productivity and quality, collecting and analyzing data, and putting waste management policies into place for organizations.

6. A wildlife biologist

National median yearly salary: $72,495

Primary responsibilities: A wildlife biologist with biochemistry jobs investigates the habits, biology, and habitats of many animals and living organisms. Their primary responsibilities include investigating the effects of chemicals and other advertising endeavors on ecosystems, tracking the spread of wildlife diseases, relocating animals for their protection and conservation, working to preserve endangered species, and publishing papers or scientific papers on their findings.

7. A biochemist

National average yearly salary: $78,137

Primary responsibilities: A biochemist with biochemistry jobs analyzes various elements of living creatures to help understand how various chemical factors impact them. Their primary duties include planning and carrying out tests, documenting the outcomes of all experiments, researching the structure, functions, and biochemical mechanisms of living things, educating people by publishing scholarly articles on their discoveries, and procuring funding for research.

8. Molecular biologist

National average yearly salary: $81,293

Primary responsibilities: Molecular biologists with biochemistry jobs investigate how cells function in animals, plants, and people to better the health of living things and fend off diseases. In addition, they must plan and carry out cellular and molecular studies, analyze and interpret the results, and write up their results for academic review.

9. Life science advisor

National average yearly salary: $97,412

Primary responsibilities: A life science with biochemistry jobs advisor advises and directs organizations on optimal research strategies and solutions using their comprehensive understanding of biology and chemistry. Their primary duties include developing, constructing, and putting into practice research infrastructure solutions; defining, executing, and documenting large-scale research evaluations; and creating project proposals for architectural ideas.

10. A research scientist

National average yearly salary: $112,990

Primary responsibilities: A research scientist with biochemistry jobs develops and performs investigative methods and tests to better comprehend various scientific subjects and prove ideas. Additional responsibilities include searching academic journals for relevant research questions, gathering and analyzing important data sets, creating internal research presentations, and presenting results in scholarly journals.

11. Pharmacist

National average yearly salary: $117,521

Primary responsibilities: A pharmacist’s main responsibilities in biochemistry jobs include preparing and giving customers prescription prescriptions and pharmaceuticals. Other crucial duties include educating patients about the adverse effects and hygienic usage of the products, educating medical professionals about the various impacts of pharmaceuticals, evaluating patients’ health records to prevent harmful conversations with other medications, performing health and wealth screenings for patients, and more.

12. Doctor

National average yearly salary: $244,487

Primary responsibilities: A doctor in biochemistry jobs is a trained healthcare provider who treats patients’ ailments with medication and other treatments. Other important duties include interviewing patients and looking over their medical records, diagnosing injuries, diseases, or illnesses, informing patients about specific diseases and their adverse effects, requesting and analyzing lab tests, assembling, documenting, and preserving patient data, and evaluating new medicines with pharmacists and other healthcare experts.

Professional experience

Your biochemistry degree will give you the practical and technical abilities you need to succeed in a technical or research role through laboratory work and your final year research project. Your prospects of landing a job will be improved by gaining some professional experience, such as a summer internship at a research facility or business.

A four-year undergraduate program with a year of industry or research placement is offered by some universities. This is typically done in a research center, the pharmaceutical or biotechnological industry, or both. Also, there are options for international placements, which might improve your job possibilities. Work placements offer networking opportunities and the further development of important skills.

Whatever your job goals, it’s critical to supplement your education with supplementary knowledge and experiences that demonstrate your initiative and engagement with the world.

Common employers

The following public sector jobs are among the top ones for biochemistry graduates:

Graduates in biochemistry can find work in the private sector. Regular employers include businesses engaged in:

  • Food, agriculture, and water
  • Biomedicine
  • Biotechnology
  • Environmental protection
  • Pharmaceuticals.

Biochemists are employed by small businesses to perform specialized services like toxicological research.

Also, there are companies like the Intellectual Property Office and publishers of medical and scientific literature (as patent evaluators). Your skills and expertise in biochemistry can also be put to use in fields like marketing and sales, where you might promote cutting-edge technology, scientific publications, or legal firms that handle matters involving science.

Skills for your resume

You will acquire particular biochemistry-related abilities while pursuing your degree, including:

  • Comprehensive understanding of molecular biology methods
  • Specialized laboratory knowledge
  • The capacity to comprehend intricate biological processes
  • The capacity to construct a case and participate in discussion analytical abilities
  • Examination of study and data
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking.

Additional abilities include:

  • Information technology and mathematics
  • Presentation and communication
  • Writing reports
  • Time management and organization
  • The capacity to meet deadlines
  • Teamwork
  • Independence and self-control.

By using examples from the group work and practicals you completed as part of your degree program in addition to any prior employment, you may illustrate your experience in such areas.

Additional studies

A Master’s degree can be earned in some undergraduate programs that combine three years of undergraduate education with a fourth year of graduate studies.

A career in research or commerce often requires study at the Masters’s or Ph.D. level. For instance, a Doctorate is required to conduct scientific studies or to land a position as an academic professor. More education can be advantageous and is becoming more and more crucial, even for related occupations like publishing, scientific communication, or medical careers.

To pursue employment in teaching, accounting, or law, for instance, you will also need to complete additional training.

With a biochemistry degree, you can also apply for postgraduate entry into the fields of medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine.

The Function of Biochemistry in Business

In many different contexts, biochemistry is crucial. Applications of advancements in this sector can be found in a wide range of industries, including agriculture, the environment, healthcare, cosmetics, and many more. In reality, advances in biochemistry influence both public policy and law.

We can prevent pollution, safeguard crops from diseases and pests, test unborn children for disease, create compatible goods, and do a lot more things to keep our food, humans, and world safer thanks to biochemistry.

Biochemistry is a profession that frequently involves teamwork in the workplace. To achieve their objectives, biochemists frequently collaborate with specialists from other specialties. These experts can include other scientists, engineers, sales, and marketing teams, lawyers, and anybody else in between!

Specializations for Jobs and Studies

With the breadth of the discipline of biochemistry, you can choose to focus on a variety of areas according to your personal, academic, and professional interests. For instance, you might decide to pursue higher education or a profession in any of the following fields (not all of them):

  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics are a group of organic and man-made substances that either prevent the growth of other microorganisms or actively eradicate them.
  • Proteomics: The investigation and categorization of proteins found in the human body. Which proteins make up the many networks—metabolic or signaling—that they form, how they communicate with one another, etc? These proteins’ interactions with one another may hold the secret to developing therapeutic targets or healing human ailments.
  • Genomics: Comprehensive research of the makeup and operation of genes. This information is useful in many disciplines, including geoscience research and medicine development.
  • Neurobiology: The field of biology known as neurobiology studies the anatomy, physiology, and disease of the nervous system.
  • Neurochemistry: The study of the nervous system’s cellular, molecular, and chemical biology is included in the field of neurochemistry.
  • Reproductive Biochemistry: Studying the endocrinology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, and molecular genetics of animal and human reproduction is known as reproductive organic chemistry.
  • Molecular Biology: Biology at the molecular level, including the analysis of the genetic makeup and physiological processes of living things.
  • Immunology: The science of impaired immune systems and therapies, including organ transplants, vaccination, immune system illnesses, and immune response function and structure.
  • Biotechnology: Biotechnology is the application of live creatures in product development and research. It is the use of living things to create products or carry out processes that were first discovered in basic science.
  • Genetic Engineering: Genetic engineering is the deliberate, intentional change of specific genes to manipulate the proteins produced by an organism.
  • Toxicology: Toxicology is the study of how dangerous substances affect the body, including the degree of toxicity, the process by which it happens, and how it can be managed. It also includes the study of how dangerous chemicals affect the well-being of organisms.
  • Enzymology: Enzymology is the area of biochemistry that examines the composition and biological function of enzymes.
  • Bio-inorganic Chemistry: Understanding the biological roles played by metal complexes in living things is known as bio-inorganic chemistry.


Being a biochemist has its hazards, just like any other profession. The risk of coming into contact with dangerous materials is the most prevalent of them. When working with potentially harmful compounds or chemicals, chemists must take safety precautions, including donning protective gear and clothes.

Frequently Asked Questions about Biochemistry Jobs

  • Is a career in biochemistry a good choice?

If you don’t know what your future holds right now, biochemistry is the ideal pick because it can lead to a wide variety of related occupations. Among many other professions, you could operate in a research facility, product design, medicine, or forensics.

  • In which areas of the hospital can a biochemist work?

Hospital laboratories

Each of these disciplines allows for specialization; for instance, clinical biochemists can operate in hospital labs to understand and cure diseases, while industrial biochemists could be engaged in analytical research projects like examining the purity of foods and beverages.

  • Are biochemists highly compensated?

What Does a Biochemist Get Paid? In 2021, the median pay for biochemists was $102,270. In that year, the top 25% earned $132,390, while the bottom 25% earned $79,000.