15 Great Careers for a Career Change

If you’ve been employed in the same field for a while, considering careers for a career change may seem like a major decision, but there are instances when it’s the best course of action. Understanding your motivations for wanting to change careers will help you decide if you’re thinking about doing so. You can look into new choices once you’ve decided what you want to change about your professional life. In this post, we go over 15 of the finest careers for a career change as well as reasons why you might want to change professions.

Why do you want to change careers?

Even though changing careers might be challenging, it might be the best course of action if you’re seeking something new or different in your work life. Exploring professions that provide you with more spare time or money while changing occupations could be a good idea. A career change can be an option to consider if you’re trying to find a better balance between your personal and professional lives. These are a few explanations for changing careers:

  • You wish to increase your income. It could be wise to consider careers for a career change in a new industry if you feel that your skills are not being fairly valued. Numerous lucrative jobs don’t necessitate a great deal of expertise or a history of employment but pay handsomely for those that put in a lot of effort.
  • You wish you had more free time. You could consider careers for a career change if you’re working long hours in a workplace and wish you can spend more time with your family or doing things you enjoy. There are many jobs available that permit remote work and provide flexible compensation.
  • You’re exhausted. If you’ve held the same position for a long period, you may feel burned out and want to consider careers for a career change and switch things up. An enjoyable method to feel renewed and re-energized regarding work is to shift careers.
  • You’d like to return to school. A job change that enables you to work and study simultaneously can be beneficial if you want to go back to school to further your education. You might wish to consider careers for a career change that uses your new degree when you finish schooling.

15 excellent careers for a career change

Your motivation for changing careers may influence the best employment for you. Some people might favor working with numbers more than others, and some people might wish to begin an occupation that lets them connect with people more. There are many lucrative occupations out there, no matter why you desire to change careers:

1. Teacher

National average yearly salary: $23,935

Primary responsibilities: Teaching is one of the careers for a career change. Teachers are instructors who collaborate with pupils, either by teaching a general curriculum or a subject-specific course. There are chances for teachers to teach pupils at home or in small numbers in addition to their typical employment in private or public institutions. If you would like to spend time with kids, switching to education may be a wise move. Due to the gratifying nature of their employment, teachers also rank among those with the greatest levels of job satisfaction.

2. Freelance photographer

National average yearly salary: $20,449

Primary responsibilities: Freelance photography is also one of the careers for a career change. Professionals that work as freelance photographers provide their services to customers who need photos taken. Independent photographers hardly ever work for an employer; instead, they locate employment by themselves and attract clients via word-of-mouth or online marketing. While photographing significant life events, like marriages or graduation ceremonies, freelance photographers frequently work on these occasions. If you have a passion for photography, being a freelance photographer may be an exciting career change.

3. A vet’s assistant

National average yearly salary: $33,020

Primary responsibilities: A veterinary job also constitutes one of the careers for a career change. Veterinarians’ offices employ veterinary assistants who assist with animal surgery and recovery. They could assist with medication administration and keep an eye on the animals while the owners are gone. If you enjoy working with animals, becoming a veterinary assistant can be a wonderful career transition for you. Several programs can be completed in as little as a few months.

4. Life coach

National average yearly salary: $34,205

Primary responsibilities: Becoming a life coach should also be considered as one of the careers for a career change. Life coaches are well-being experts that support their clients in resolving problems in their personal lives. To help people, life coaches may tackle difficulties with unfulfillment. If you want to alter your job and help people find purpose in their lives, being a life coach can be a suitable choice. Being able to help others achieve their goals makes life coaches frequently like their employment to a great degree.

5. Personal trainer

National average yearly salary: $36,138

Primary responsibilities: Personal trainers are health and fitness experts who assist clients in achieving their fitness objectives. Personal trainers frequently work with clients who wish to keep up an excellent standard of fitness but whose hectic schedules prevent them from going to the gym frequently. If you’re enthusiastic about fitness and would like to devote yourself to working out and assisting others, becoming a personal trainer can be considered as one of the careers for a career change.

6. A fundraiser

National average yearly salary: $41,478

Primary responsibilities: Fundraisers assist groups in obtaining the money they require to accomplish their objectives. Due to the necessity of fundraising for charitable groups, fundraisers frequently work as a team. Considering fundraising as one of the careers for a career change can be a good fit for you if you have a strong enthusiasm for charitable work and appreciate assisting the less fortunate.

7. The head chef

National average yearly salary: $46,380

Primary responsibilities: The individual in charge of managing a kitchen is a chef de cuisine, commonly referred to as the head chef. Chef’s de cuisine collaborates with their team to guarantee the swift and precise fulfillment of orders. If you are passionate about cooking or the culinary arts, being a chef may be a wise career move. Although chefs frequently put in long hours, it may be one of the most fulfilling careers for a career change if you enjoy working with your hands and appreciate providing food for people.

8. Social media supervisor

National average yearly salary: $47,783 annually.

Primary responsibilities: Social media profiles for a business are managed by managers of social media. They are typically knowledgeable with SEO and social media strategies because they manage a firm’s online presence. Social media managers promote their brands online and interact with people to grow a business’s online following. This job may be one of the suitable careers for a career change if you are a specialist in social media and are interested in employing those abilities professionally.

9. Freelance writer

National average yearly salary: $54,367

Primary responsibilities: Writers that provide written material for a business are known as freelancers. They are normally paid by the word, although they may also be paid according to how many articles they generate. There are many different types of freelance writing, including writing for a journal, newspaper, or web business. If you like having control over your schedule, becoming a freelance writer can be among the wonderful careers for career changes for you.

10. A sales development agent

National average yearly salary: $64,906

Primary responsibilities: Entry-level sales professionals are sales development agents. Sales development people collaborate with the remainder of the sales department to organize appointments, engage new clients, and create email sequences. Since sales development representatives frequently receive both a base pay and a commission, the job can be satisfying. Careers for a career change as a sales development agent can be a fantastic fit if you want to put in the effort and receive extra cash for your work since there are frequently no degree prerequisites for the position.

11. Financial expert

National average yearly salary: $69,585

Primary responsibilities: Financial specialists known as financial planners assist clients in creating a strategy for their economic future. Financial advisers may be employed by private clients or as an employee of a larger company. To help their customers achieve their goals, financial planners help arrange portfolios and create investment strategies. If you have a strong interest in the financial sector, considering careers for a career change as a financial planner can be a wise career move.

12. Human resources supervisor

National average yearly salary: $71,104

Primary responsibilities: Managers of human resources collaborate with new employees to plan training and encourage employment prospects. Also, they could mediate arguments between coworkers or between management and an employee. Careers for a career change as an HR manager can be a good fit for you if you have a lot of business expertise but want to get out of the client-facing area of the company.

13. Business advisor

Nationwide average yearly salary: $72,091

Primary responsibilities: Business consultants serve as advisors, advising business owners on how to achieve their objectives. They could operate independently or as a team inside a consulting firm. The move to business consultancy may be a smart one if you have a lot of business expertise but no longer want to manage your organization. If you’re looking for careers for a career change with less stress, applying your experience in managing an organization could be a wise decision.

14. A massage therapist

National average yearly salary: $73,130

Primary responsibilities: Massage therapists give a therapeutic massage to their customers to assist them to recover from weariness and illness. In addition to helping athletes recuperate from rigorous training, massage therapists may aid anybody who wishes to calm their muscles. Careers for a career change as a massage therapist can be a good fit for you if you like dealing with people and/or are interested in athletics.

15. A Realtor

National average yearly salary: $87,126

Primary responsibilities: Becoming a realtor should also be considered as one of the careers for a career change. Realtors are experts in the field of real estate who market both residential and commercial properties. Realtors frequently function as an integral component of a more prominent organization, however, others do it on their own. They can act as buyer’s agents, brokers, or real estate agents. Real estate agents often earn more than the national average, making it a rewarding decision to change careers. Real estate agents must be licensed, however this procedure usually only requires a few weeks, as opposed to the four years or longer required for other jobs by more formal schooling.

How to Change Careers Successfully in Midlife

Making a midlife career change is a difficult choice since it involves switching from one lifestyle to another. Finding a job that fits your particular interests might be difficult because so many alternatives are available. Whatever your motivations, changing careers in your forties allows you to reclaim control over your life and go on a fresh course.

Midlife career change: What is it?

Changing careers in the middle of one’s adult life refers to choosing and pursuing a different career path. It can be difficult yet enjoyable to change occupations to explore new interests and develop new abilities. Following one’s passions is the main consideration for some persons making a midlife job transition. A successful midlife job shift requires patience, commitment, and careful planning to enable a smooth transition from one profession to another.

Motivators for a midlife career shift

The reasons for changing careers in midlife are immensely varied and ultimately rely on the person. These motivations could include the desire for increased financial security or just the desire to experiment with something novel. Your decision to change careers in your midlife may occasionally have been impacted by unrelated outside factors. Although there are typical reasons to consider changing occupations, there is no suitable or inappropriate reason to do so.

  • Work-life harmony
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Company closure or restructuring
  • Go after your actual interests.
  • Relocating
  • A shift in the family dynamic
  • Greater financial possibilities

Work-life harmony

The first reason for considering careers for a career change could be because of work-life balance. Finding a healthy balance between your professional and personal lives is the goal of a good work-life balance. They should complement one another while still running smoothly in their own right as different facets of your existence. The fundamental notion is that your professional life should generate the least amount of outside stress and provide you with sufficient time for your personal life. Nevertheless, the duration that you devote to each component may not fall evenly in the middle. Finding the ideal balance, though, is a complex process that differs from individual to individual.

Flexible working conditions

Another reason for considering careers for a career change could be because of flexible work conditions. Working in a position that allows for variable responsibilities and hours and is considered to be in a flexible workplace environment. This may not necessarily imply that you spend fewer hours than the typical eight-hour workday, yet it does require a job that gives you the freedom to choose your pace, take regular breaks as needed, and set some of your deadlines. A supervisor or other authorized person who is willing to adapt to abrupt shifts in their lifestyle, such as permitting you to do remote work or makeup lost time on a different day, can also contribute to a flexible workplace environment.

Company closure or restructuring

A business may occasionally need to liquidate or alter its organizational structure and this might be a reason to look into careers for a career change. These circumstances can be surprising yet are a normal part of life. But, finding yourself suddenly in search of new work may turn out to be an opportunity to explore a new employment market and identify previously unknown talents, interests, and skills. This is the perfect opportunity for you to relax, have a moment for yourself, and think carefully about what you’d like to accomplish next. You might discover that letting up one aspect of your life makes room for a greater one.

Go after your actual interests.

Some people put off pursuing their genuine passions for a long time because their professions are secure and pleasant, and they are competent at them. Your genuine passion, though, is in the career or field you adore, and soon you could realize you’re prepared to find your true calling and look into careers for a career change. Following your passion could be thrilling and provide a lot of personal joy and fulfillment. If a person truly enjoys their job, they may not worry about the hours or the income. Sometimes doing work you love does not feel like effort.


Professionals frequently need to consider careers for a career change if they or their families are moving to an unknown or new area. The execution of a seamless migration requires careful planning and patience. Since that employment availability varies from location to location, it’s critical to take the local job market into account while relocating. Relocating to a new location offers the chance to experience novel things, make new friends, and discover a job market that might be ideal for you.

A shift in the family dynamic

The birth of a new kid or a close relative unexpectedly needing intensive personal care can both cause changes in the family dynamic and necessitate careers for a career change. For a variety of explanations, your family dynamic may change, and you may need to look for an alternate job that works with your new family system. You might need a part-time, remote, or flexible job that gives you the freedom to choose when what number of hours you wish to work under these new circumstances.

Greater financial possibilities

Wanting more money or a profession that allows for the opportunity for financial advancement and development is among the most popular reasons why people wish to change careers in their midlife. Individuals frequently use their income as a gauge of how successful they are. More money can give you financial security, assist you in saving for retirement, make it simpler for you to follow your entrepreneurial aspirations, and generally give you more freedom to handle your money however you see fit. It’s crucial to take the typical pay for careers for a career change into account and adjust your pay expectations accordingly.

Midlife career advice

Take into account the following five suggestions as you explore the midlife career transition you wish to make for yourself:

  • Happiness: You should put your happiness as one of your top priorities when considering careers for a career change. Consider the importance of happiness and individual fulfillment to your lifestyle while deciding what you wish to do. Your efficiency and mental health both improve when you work at a job you enjoy.
  • Practicality: Changing careers might be thrilling, but some professions demand particular knowledge, abilities, and certifications. It’s crucial to consider your academic and training needs realistically if you want to land a job in the career of your choice when going through careers for a career change. You might need to invest more time and money.
  • Precise career objectives: Your midlife job change process can transition more quickly and smoothly if you have defined career aspirations and a plan for how to get there by looking at suitable careers for a career change.
  • Research: You may determine what careers for a career change are accessible as well as which ones suit you by conducting careful research. You might come upon jobs you had no idea existed.
  • Flexibility in terms of salary: Although you could have specific salary expectations for yourself, it might be beneficial to be open-minded about the salary ranges from careers for a career change that you’re ready to accept as this may lead to more work prospects.

How to change careers midlife

To effectively change careers, you can use the following stages as a guide:

1. Make a list of your financial commitments.

Your financial commitments are ultimately determined by your lifestyle. You could need to support a family or make monthly mortgage payments thereby warranting you to look at careers for a career change. These elements may affect the types of occupations that are economically viable to seek to retain your current standard of living. To ascertain whether the financial remuneration for the employment that interests you is sufficient to permit you to lead a life smoothly, it is vital to examine the median wage and salary range for such positions. It could be vital to remain looking if a job doesn’t pay sufficiently for you to satisfy your financial commitments.

2. Decide on a job

The next step in searching for careers for a career change is to locate the position you wish to transfer into after you have evaluated your finances and defined your financial commitments. One of the most profound adjustments you can ever make to your existence is changing your career around middle age. Investigating jobs in-depth and learning everything there is to know about them is advantageous. If you want to know if the employment conditions of a given job are good for you, you need to give the skill demands, the timetable, the workplace culture, and other variables careful thought.

3. Ascertain what training and information you require.

After choosing some careers for a career change, it’s critical to determine the education and experience needed to succeed in that field of work. While some professions, like those of lawyers and physicians, require substantial university training, technical carpentry positions only need the highly specialized skills you can learn at a technical college. No matter the position, most of them assume you possess at least a certain experience in the industry you’ve chosen to work in. Consider making time in your schedule to fulfill such duties if you are still lacking those skills.

4. Take time into consideration

Individuals have responsibilities that must be fulfilled on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and each one requires time. Make a list of your time obligations to assist you in remaining focused for success after determining the degree and skill requirements for careers for a career change. Determine the time needed to accomplish each requirement and write it down. Consider how many years you have left in school or the number of months you have left in your training. Determine the amount of time you have to devote to each commitment.

If your duties to your loved ones and yourself take up a significant percentage of your time, you may also need to account for this.


You can get a fresh start on a financially satisfying and professional life with a career shift. Unfortunately, the majority of people opt for low-paying work that affects their capacity—and their happiness—due to uncertainty, a lack of expertise, and indecision about their choice of professional possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions about careers for a career change

  • When is the ideal time to change careers?

The optimal time to change careers is between the ages of 20 and 30. Learn online to broaden your expertise and go closer to achieving new professional objectives.

  • How can you tell if a job isn’t right for you?

You’re unhappy with your job.

You should be aware that your abilities and hobbies are inappropriate for the position when you are unable to enjoy your work, or when you don’t feel good about completing a task or delighted when a new one is presented.

  • Is 37 too old to begin a new profession?

Nobody ever grows too old to start afresh. You can locate a position that gives you fulfillment and happiness. You might have 35 years or above of labor ahead of you, based on your age. Consider whether you’re willing to continue working in a profession that isn’t a good fit for you.

  • How can someone without experience change their career?

Look for lectures, seminars, and other events. Attending classes related to your new field will help you get valuable experience (and make some wonderful connections), even if you do not need new credentials to advance in your chosen career.