32 Common Neuroscience Careers

Numerous specializations and work opportunities are available in the diverse field of neuroscience career, which also includes several other disciplines. Along with several other disciplines within the neuroscience industry, pharmacology, nursing, and scientific professions are common ones in the field. In this post, we define neuroscience and outline the 12 most prevalent occupations in the field.

What does neuroscience mean?

Neuroscience is a branch of science that includes the study of the nervous system as well as elements from other fields like languages, chemistry, psychology, and medicine. This field of study is concerned with the whole nervous system, and how it operates at the cellular, behavioral, functional, and molecular levels. The goal of neuroscience is to comprehend how brain circuits and neurons relate to a given personality, cognition, perception, and other essential daily processes.

Some of the many main fields of neurology include the following:

  • Neurobehavioral science
  • Emotional neuroscience
  • Neuroscience engineering
  • Neurological development
  • Neuromolecular science
  • Neuroimaging
  • Cultural neurology
  • Neurological treatment
  • Neuropsychology
  • Social cognitive science

The discipline of neurology offers a variety of job choices, with many careers varying greatly within this specialty. Most people in the neuroscience profession are interested in gaining a better understanding of three things: how the human brain functions, how the somatic nervous system grows and works, and mental and neurological problems and how to avoid or treat them in connection to the nervous system.

12 typical neuroscience careers

Neuroscience careers can differ greatly based on the neuroscience field and education level pursued. The top 12 jobs in the discipline of neurology are listed below:

1. Research Assistant

National average yearly salary: $38,003

Principal responsibilities: Research assistants in neuroscience careers carry out a range of tasks in a research environment, such as carrying out experiments, gathering and analyzing data, producing presentations based on findings, and routinely examining research-related materials to stay up to date with trends and advancements in their field of study.

2. A lab technician

National average yearly salary: $40,768

Primary responsibilities: Lab technicians in neuroscience careers carry out diagnostic tests and other technical tasks related to the scientific and medical sectors in a laboratory setting. They might gather samples, examine those samples, run different lab equipment, and record results that will be deciphered by medical experts.

3. Health instructor

National average yearly salary: $41,018

Primary responsibilities: A health educator’s responsibilities in neuroscience careers include promoting and enhancing community health through instructing residents on healthy practices. They could research the community’s existing state of health and collaborate with other medical specialists to create and carry out health plans that would promote better living.

4. Pharmaceutical sciences supervisor

National average yearly salary: $82,797

Primary responsibilities: These individuals in neuroscience careers are in charge of investigating and making decisions on the creation of new medicines, as well as the marketing and sales connected with advertising them. They may supervise the process of creating novel medical procedures, drugs, and equipment as well as conduct studies to determine their efficacy.

5. Research scientist

National average yearly salary: $87,624

Primary responsibilities: Research scientists in neuroscience careers create and analyze varied information related to the comprehension and advancement of new scientific disciplines. They might conduct tests, record their findings, and share their discoveries with colleagues from their sector. A scientist who specializes in the neurology discipline does experiments and studies, particularly in this area.

6. Professional psychologist

National average yearly salary: $96,196

Primary responsibilities: The main responsibilities of a clinical psychologist in neuroscience careers are to assist patients in recognizing, coping with, and managing emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders and concerns. They could make a diagnosis and create a plan of care for the patient. Psychologists and psychiatrists may also carry out research in the area of psychology and instruct students on a variety of psychological topics.

7. A medical writer

National average yearly salary: $99,282

Primary responsibilities: The main responsibilities of medical writers in neuroscience careers are to conduct research, produce, and edit text on a variety of medical topics. Medical professionals, such as healthcare providers and pharmaceutical reps, frequently request the work of medical writers. Neuroscience-focused medical writers might conduct research and write on numerous discoveries in the discipline as well as clinical studies.

8. A medical assistant

National average yearly salary: $105,068

Primary responsibilities: Assessing and treating patients is one of the primary responsibilities of physician assistants in neuroscience careers. Physician assistants typically assist doctors, but several jurisdictions also permit them to work independently. A physician assistant who specializes in neuroscience focuses on the identification and management of neurological disorders.

9. A neurosurgeon

National average yearly salary: $126,273

Primary responsibilities: A neurosurgeon in neuroscience careers is a physician that conducts surgery on parts of the body connected to the neurological system, such as the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, and makes diagnoses regarding problems of the nervous system.

10. A biologist

National average yearly salary: $131,234

Primary responsibilities: Their main responsibilities in neuroscience careers include designing, analyzing, and supervising the study of different statistical studies related to the subject of neuroscience. They then create clinical studies that test novel medications to advance the medical industry using the knowledge gained from this research.

12. Neurosurgeon

National average yearly salary: $234,951

Primary responsibilities: The primary responsibilities of neurologists in neuroscience careers are the diagnosis and management of neurological illnesses that affect the brain, neurons, muscles, or spinal cord of patients. Neurologists are medical professionals. A neurologist’s regular responsibilities include requesting and interpreting neurological testing, writing prescriptions for medications or treatment regimens for neurological illnesses or ailments, and collaborating with other medical specialists to offer neurological knowledge for patient cases.

13. Epidemiologists

National average yearly salary: $78,052

Primary responsibilities: A primary responsibility of an epidemiologist in a neuroscience career is to investigate the causes, modes of transmission, and outcomes of diseases. Eliminating or minimizing the risks connected to a specific illness is an epidemiologist’s main objective. Gathering information on the patterns and transmission of disease, performing research or tests, and disseminating their findings to the public are all responsibilities. Most epidemiologists are employed by public health organizations or by academic institutions. An epidemiologist with knowledge of neuroscience can shed light on the consequences of a particular disease on the brain or muscles and nerves.

14. An occupational therapist

National average yearly salary: $84,201

Primary responsibilities: An occupational therapist in neuroscience careers aids patients in acquiring or regaining mobility-related abilities, such as utilizing their hands and legs. They frequently deal with people who have debilitating conditions, significant physical injuries, or impairments. The objective of occupational therapists is to assist their patients in doing the tasks and abilities required for daily life. Examining patients, developing tailored treatment programs, and assisting patients in making lifestyle adjustments that better meet their needs are just a few of the responsibilities. Neuroscience-trained occupational therapists may have a better understanding of several underlying psychological disorders that affect motor development and physical rehabilitation.

15. Neurorehabilitation supervisor

National average yearly salary: $87,853

Primary responsibilities: Managers of neurorehabilitation in neuroscience careers programs have the primary responsibility of supervising the actions of the teams of medical specialists and the techniques they follow. Helping those who have neurological injuries, illnesses, or disabilities is the main goal of neurorehabilitation. The nervous system aids in the communication of signals from and to the brain with the rest of the body. Neurorehabilitation may also involve mobility exercises, assistance with daily living activities like eating and washing, and training in behavioral skills, depending on the particular needs of the patients. A neurorehabilitation manager is responsible for managing medical staff members such as neuroscientists, psychiatrists, caseworkers, and physiotherapists.

16. Psychologist

National average yearly salary: $94,629

Primary responsibilities: Psychologists in neuroscience careers investigate and research psychological illnesses, habits, activities, and disorders. Understanding how the human psyche functions and influences human behaviors, emotions, mental processes, and patterns of behavior is the main objective of a psychologist. They might be employed by research centers, educational institutions, governmental organizations, or consulting businesses. Psychologists may focus on a particular aspect of the human mind, like abnormal psychiatry or social psychology.

17. Veterinary doctor

National average yearly salary: $105,397

Primary responsibilities: The main responsibilities of a veterinarian in neuroscience careers are to treat animals medically. A range of medical issues or disorders affecting animals are evaluated, diagnosed, and treated by veterinarians. An animal’s species or specific veterinary care, including pharmacology or animal psychology, may be the focus of a veterinarian’s specialization. Veterinarians with neuroscience training may have a distinct understanding of how brain processes can influence animal behavior, emotions, requirements, and medical issues.

18. A nurse practitioner

National average yearly salary: $111,094

Primary responsibilities: Primary responsibilities for nurse practitioners in neuroscience careers include evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patients with a range of medical diseases or issues. A nurse practitioner can conduct both nursing and medical tasks, including analyzing the findings of diagnostic tests and administering drugs because they have an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse License (APRN). Nurse practitioners have the option of specializing in a particular area of medicine, such as pediatrics or urgent care. Understanding the relationship between the medical demands or problems of patients and the human psyche or nervous system might benefit nurse practitioners.

19. A speech-language pathologist

National average yearly salary: $112,030

Primary responsibilities: Primary responsibilities of speech-language pathology in neuroscience careers include assisting patients with speaking and communication skills acquisition or recovery. Most speech-language pathologists also help patients with issues like swallowing that are related to their throat muscles’ health. A speech-language pathologist frequently focuses on treating a certain population of patients, such as those who have developmental difficulties, the elderly, or stroke survivors. Speech-language pathologists may benefit from having a foundation in neuroscience because the neurological system is crucial to abilities including speaking, swallowing, and vocalization.

20. Pharmacist

National average yearly salary: $117,621

Primary responsibilities: Pharmacists’ main responsibilities in neuroscience careers include mixing, measuring, compounding, and dispensing prescription drugs to patients. A pharmacist is highly knowledgeable about the potential benefits and potential interactions of numerous medications for patients. Along with properly mixing and administering medications, tasks also involve counseling patients about possible drug adverse effects, administering immunizations, and assisting patients in locating over-the-counter remedies for their medical problems. Pharmacists having a background in neuroscience will have a greater understanding of the potential effects of different medications on the body, mind, and pre-existing medical issues of patients.

21. Biotech advisor

National average yearly salary: $133,731

Primary responsibilities: A biotech consultant in neuroscience careers advises businesses wanting to develop biotech goods or services. A branch of biology known as “biotech” focuses on exploiting living things to create new goods or services, like drugs, food, biological agents, or computer programs. Biotech consultants may operate independently or as a team inside a bigger consulting firm. It may be necessary to perform tasks including providing guidance on scientific product regulations, breaking down big datasets connected to a company’s product creation, and explaining difficult scientific concepts more understandably.

22. A biostatistician

National average yearly salary: $143,739

Primary responsibilities: A biostatistician’s main responsibilities in neuroscience careers include gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data sets derived from living things like animals or trial participants. Biostatisticians plan experiments, carry out studies or clinical trials, and then assess the outcomes. Each step of the research or experimentation process involves the frequent application of sophisticated mathematics and statistics. Their objective is to support discoveries or enhance methods and regulations in biology, medicine, or public health care.

23. An expert in machine learning

National average yearly salary: $149,549

Primary responsibilities: A machine learning engineer’s primary responsibilities in neuroscience careers include developing and planning AI systems and programs. The term “machine learning” describes a particular area of artificial intelligence that concentrates on AI that can learn and advance by itself over time. Software and systems for speech or picture recognition, individualized suggestions, and financial analysis may be created by machine learning engineers. A foundation in neuroscience is advantageous for a machine learning engineer since many machine learning fundamentals are related to how the human brain functions. For instance, certain forms of machine learning mimic the fundamental procedures used by people to make decisions.

24. Psychiatrist

National average yearly salary: $236,918

Primary responsibilities: A psychiatrist in neuroscience careers is a sort of medical professional who focuses on mental health. Psychiatrists assess, identify, and manage the mental health problems and disorders of their patients. The use of different behavioral or personality tests, the prescription of medications or other forms of treatment, and assisting patients in preventing or coping with their mental health difficulties are just a few examples of duties. To identify a patient’s specific mental health requirements and treatment options, a psychiatrist frequently collaborates closely with psychologists, doctors, psychological counselors, and other medical specialists.

25. Physician

National average yearly salary: $240,896

Primary responsibilities: The main responsibility of a physician in a neuroscience career is to treat patients medically. By conducting examinations or diagnostic procedures, like blood analysis or X-rays, they assess a patient’s needs. A doctor then makes a diagnosis and formulates a treatment strategy for each patient. The total medical health of their patients is evaluated by general practitioners. As an alternative, some medical professionals decide to focus on a particular area of medicine, such as dermatology, emergency treatment, neurology, or allergies.

26. Hospitalist

National average yearly salary: $265,442

Primary responsibilities: A hospitalist in neuroscience careers is a sort of doctor that focuses on treating patients in hospitals. Hospitalists may assess patients when they are initially admitted to the facility and assist with their treatment or diagnosis. Although a hospitalist seldom continues to provide care for patients after they leave the hospital, they may work together or contact other healthcare providers to make sure the patient obtains the necessary follow-up care and treatments. One option available to hospitalists is to focus on treating a particular category of hospitalized patients. Hospitalists that specialize in neurological issues or illnesses, for instance, treat inpatients with neurological problems.

27. Optometrist

National average yearly salary: $280,165

Primary responsibilities: An optometrist in neuroscience careers is a doctor who focuses on issues relating to vision and the eyes. Among the responsibilities are writing down a patient’s medical background, assessing their vision, and writing prescriptions for contact lenses or glasses. Optometrists can also identify and manage some eye diseases, such as dry eyes or damage to the optical nerve. A neuroscientist with experience in optometry may have a better understanding of how the mind communicates with the various components of the eye.

28. Genetic Adviser

National average yearly salary: £31,365 to £37,890

Primary responsibilities: Genetic counselors in neuroscience careers, a relatively new occupation, assist individuals and families in making knowledgeable choices regarding their genetic health. For instance, they could help a patient comprehend the possible consequences of an inherited disorder or how their family’s health history might affect their likelihood of contracting a genetic disease. Additionally, they assist patients in finding the best genetic tests and therapies. This vocation can be a good fit for a neuroscience degree because it calls for empathy and intelligence in addition to understanding biology, physiology, and psychology.

29. Organizational and Industrial Psychologist

National average yearly salary: $85141

Primary responsibilities: Business and psychological concepts are combined in the highly practical discipline of industrial organizational psychology (IO). IO psychologists in neuroscience careers assist firms, businesses, and non-profit organizations in finding solutions to a variety of issues relating to people and organizations. Neuroscience majors can use their background in psychology and conversational skills in this interpersonal, investigative profession to assist businesses in enhancing their hiring practices, training processes, employee motivation, and other areas.

30. Social Worker for Drug Addiction

National average yearly salary: £32,306 to £39,027

Primary responsibilities: Students who pursue a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience get knowledge of the brain’s reward mechanisms from both a biological and psychological standpoint. In a neuroscience career as a drug addiction social worker, this information can be quite helpful. These compassionate specialists help people who are battling addictions by giving them the counseling and direction they need to continue living their lives. Their responsibilities may include addressing emotional problems associated with an individual’s addiction, such as bereavement or sadness, and directing clients to support services, agencies, and other resources.

31. Corrections Officer

National average yearly salary: £24705

Primary responsibilities: Neuroscience majors acquire knowledge and skills that help them get ready for a neuroscience career as correctional officers during their studies, including a solid grasp of humanistic psychology and decision-making, exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, and an understanding of mental illnesses that can develop under pressure. They can use their expertise and training in this demanding position to assist specific offenders in becoming society’s contributing members. A bachelor’s degree will frequently be sufficient for this employment, even though the educational qualifications can differ greatly.

32. Journalist

National average yearly salary: £28,507

Primary responsibilities: It might not seem like a logical next move for a neuroscience major to explore a career in journalism, but for the appropriate people, no profession could be more fulfilling. Science journalists in neuroscience careers play a crucial role in society by educating the general public concerning the most interesting science breakthroughs and debates of the moment. This vocation can be a great fit for neuroscience graduates who are good writers because it calls for a good command of the writing system, a love of learning, and an awareness of scientific methods and theory.


As shown above, each one of these jobs offers the potential to earn a very decent living. Naturally, certain fields—like neurosurgery—are more profitable than others. There is a potential of being well-paid, nevertheless, no matter which of these industries you decide to pursue.

However, working in neuroscience allows you to experience exceptionally high levels of job satisfaction. Understanding that the tasks you accomplish could have a beneficial effect on someone’s life allows you to go to work every day with confidence. Even while changing the world won’t pay your expenses, the satisfaction you receive from helping others will make working every day seem more worthwhile.

Frequently Asked Questions on neuroscience careers

  • Are there many jobs for neuroscientists?

The developing issue that our nation is currently experiencing is a contributing factor in the high need for neuroscience competence in the healthcare and field of biomedicine: 100 million Americans are affected by neurological problems, 40 million by mental disorders, 1000 or more neurological diseases have been found, and there is an $800 billion economic burden.

  • What kind of jobs are there for someone with a neuroscience degree?

Students majoring in neuroscience have a variety of employment options, including education, health sciences, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, biomedical sciences, the pharmaceutical sector, and neuropsychology.

  • Where does the bulk of neuroscientists work?

In addition to working in offices and labs, neuroscientists frequently participate in multidisciplinary research teams. Universities, hospitals, governmental organizations, and settings in the private sector are examples of typical workplaces.