20 Security Jobs to Consider Working In

Working in security may be a highly fulfilling career for those who take pride in assisting others. It enables you to work in a field where there will always be work and earn a consistent income. Security is constantly needed to protect people and businesses. This post discusses the top twenty security jobs, as well as working as a security guard.

The 20 security jobs

Workers in the industry guarantee the security and protection of individuals, locations, and items. This is valid regardless of whether you decide to work as an armed or armed guard. It’s simple to become a security guard because there aren’t many criteria. For those who take pleasure in defending others and assisting them in solving issues, it’s a fulfilling career. The following are among the most sought-after positions in the security sector:

1. A security guard

National average yearly salary: $27,560

Primary responsibilities: Security personnel with security jobs serve as law enforcement within the confines of their assigned job zones. They watch over both assets and people to ensure their safety. These officers conduct their patrols throughout the neighborhood using vehicles, alarms, and surveillance technology. Some supervise visitors to the property and manage gate entry.

2. A security officer

National average yearly salary: $27,913

Primary responsibilities: Security officers with security jobs enforce the law and management-set norms while keeping an eye on both property and individuals. They protect them by walking around the property on patrol and keeping an eye on the cameras and alarms. Some are also in charge of opening the gates to the property. These workers might protect people and homes, businesses, or public spaces. The guard must be armed for the majority of the work in this field.

3. Patrol officer

National average yearly salary: $30,430

Primary responsibilities: Patrol cops and security guards with security jobs both perform the same fundamental tasks. Their main responsibility is to move around a property and actively keep it safe from harm. All suspicious or out-of-the-ordinary events must be reported to the police. These guards are typically unarmed.

4. Security guard

National average yearly salary: $38,313

Primary responsibilities: Threat assessment is given more priority by security guards with security jobs. They have significantly tougher jobs than conventional security guards. Most often, candidates for these positions must be certified by the International Foundation for Protection Officers. This demonstrates that they are educated about and skilled in using modern private security methods.

5. Security escort

National average yearly salary: $41,312

Primary responsibilities: Security guards and security escorts with security jobs perform a number of the same tasks. One significant distinction is that this personnel leads staff visitors into portions of the site that they are not authorized to see on their own. While these individuals are on the premises, they must also keep an eye on their movements.

6. Security expert

National average yearly salary: $75,784

Primary responsibilities: Security experts with security jobs don’t truly keep an eye on people. Instead, they oversee and maintain the technical components of the organization’s security systems. They might be in charge of keycard access systems or online security. For this role, previous security sector experience and familiarity with common security protocols are requirements.

7. Security supervisor

National average yearly salary: $65,574

Primary responsibilities: Security managers with security jobs oversee people and security activities to maintain the safety of employees, clients, and physical environments. They must evaluate staff, determine security requirements, and set up budgets, processes, and policies for security. Strong technological expertise and a history in professional security are requirements for this post.

8. Security advisor

National average yearly salary: $87,806

Primary responsibilities: In most instances, security experts with security jobs work as independent contractors. They are employed by businesses via agencies to assist in designing or enhancing their present security procedures. They offer these organizations their expert opinions on general security. These workers might deal with workplace bullying, data security, or another specialized subject.

9. Security analyst

National average yearly salary: $95,991

Primary responsibilities: These experts, who also go by the name of information security analysts, work in cybersecurity. Their responsibility is to secure the company’s connections and security devices by developing and implementing programs and other safeguards and responding to security breaches in electronic systems. To prevent a similar breach from happening again, a security analyst with security jobs must write breach findings and take preventative measures.

10. Security engineer

National average yearly salary: $105,861

Primary responsibilities: System protection against disasters and attacks is ensured by security engineers. Private computer systems and electrical grids are just two examples of these systems. These experts are also known as cybersecurity engineers or information security engineers when the guard’s principal responsibilities include computer systems.

11. Chief Information Security Officer

National average yearly salary: $249,000

The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) job is among the highest-paid security positions and is at the management executive level. For a business, these specialists with security jobs are in charge of creating and carrying out cybersecurity strategies and procedures. They are responsible for minimizing and mitigating potential hazards to a structure for information systems, data, resources, and hardware.

12. Security Architect

National average yearly salary: $124,600

One of the best-paying security positions is that of a Security Architect (SA). Within a network, a SA with security jobs creates, constructs, tests, and deploys security mechanisms. A SA must comprehend IT systems, the most recent standards, authorization processes, and security industry standards about all current security systems.

13. Risk Manager

National average yearly salary: $101,404

A risk manager’s (RM) responsibility is to collaborate with client firms to identify and evaluate any possible risks to the organization that might jeopardize its safety, image, safety, assets, or financial stability. The responsibility for developing and implementing procedures to reduce risks rests with the RM after all possible risks have been recognized and assessed. This ranks among the best-paying security professions available.

The RM’s responsibility as a consultant is to produce thorough risk assessment data. The creation of procedures for addressing identified hazards should be guided by this knowledge. Most of the time, these procedures have to be ones that the client firm can carry out on its own without the continued assistance of the RM.

An RM with security jobs must ideally establish deep bonds with customers so that detailed familiarity with the specific risk profile of the client organization becomes instinctive. RMs will speak at meetings, take part in discussions, and report to senior management.

14. Web, Network, and Systems Penetration Tester

National average yearly salary: $83,137

A web, network, and systems penetration tester, often known as a “PenTester,” is a network security analyst who tries to hack into and uncover vulnerabilities in software and computer systems. This job is one of the most sought-after and highly-paying security positions. They are regarded as several types of moral or “white hat” hackers. They are required to conduct various tests to penetrate the network. The PenTester will then create a report with an assessment of the weaknesses they have found.

They will frequently execute pre-planned tests kinds, but they will also create their tests occasionally. Penetration testers need to be highly technical experts as well as possess a lot of creativity, ingenuity, and resolve.

A penetration tester with security jobs needs to understand existing systems completely and intimately. To produce effective security reports by exposing actual flaws, they must also pledge to keep up-to-date knowledge of current and prospective systems.

15. Expert in Network Security

National average yearly salary: $82,760

One of the highest-compensated security occupations is that of a network security engineer (NSE), who is also a software engineer and an IT professional. An NSE is in charge of maintaining the software and hardware that make up a computer network. An NSE handles security, server utilization, and deployment, as well as the general well-being of the network. The NSE with security jobs is tasked with making sure that network access complies with the guidelines set forth by the organization’s IT network management.

16. Security Administrator for Networks

National average yearly salary: $76,500

One of the best-paying security positions is that of a network security administrator (NSA). An NSA with a security job is a member of the IT industry who is in charge of looking after cybersecurity requirements as well as the hardware and software that make a network of computers. The network’s stability, the placement of servers, and the application of security controls are the main concerns of the NSA. The NSA makes sure that network connectivity satisfies organizational requirements and complies with the technical specifications specified by network administrators.

17. Cyber Crime Investigator

National average yearly salary: $75,000

A CCI will employ specialized knowledge to collect evidence from electronic resources and assets that can be utilized in court to either convict or defend a defendant. A court may also request a CCI to provide expert evidence that will be used by the judge or jury to make decisions.

One of the best-paying security positions is that of a cybercrime investigator (CCI), sometimes known as a computer crime investigator. These experts with security jobs look into crimes and potential crimes, from recovering data from data files that have been compromised, purposefully damaged, or stolen to looking into crimes against minors committed using a technological device or filmed and preserved digitally.

18. Information Security Analyst

National average yearly salary: $71,309

Among the top-earning security positions in today’s market is that of an information security analyst (ISA), who is responsible for putting protections in place to safeguard computer networks, data, and assets. Additionally, an ISA would be expected to review and modify all programs and strategies, design and update new policies as necessary, and enhance existing measures. An ISA with security jobs may be required to guarantee the right security measures are put into place and to protect electronic information and infrastructure for mission-critical data. These specialists must be equipped to react to viruses, security lapses, and cyberattacks.

19. Security Analyst

National average yearly salary: $67,419

One of the highest-income security occupations is the Security Analyst (SA), which is essential to preserving the mission-critical and private information of a company. These experts collaborate with many departments within a company to suggest particular actions and protocols for developing and maintaining an ideal security architecture.

The information technology resources of the organization must be adequately safeguarded against illegal access, according to a SA. To accomplish this, the SA will develop a comprehensive IT network security plan including both software and hardware objects. The SA with security jobs will be the primary expert in charge of creating and carrying out an acceptable and successful response to the attack if one were to occur, whether it is directed at tangible assets or through hacking.

20. Security Supervisor

National average yearly salary: $55,000

A Security Manager (SM) oversees a customer company’s security properties and security features, such as tangible asset protection and the security of guests, clients, workers, buildings, and assets, and is undoubtedly among the top-earning security jobs. A SA is in the role of supervising security staff and overseeing the application, operation, and maintenance of security instruments and equipment. A security manager with security jobs can assign security personnel to patrol routes and make sure that protocols are followed.

An SM will be required to draft and/or review papers about security, like recommendations, reports, and strategic and tactical efforts. They are also in charge of managing and disciplining the workers and security personnel.

Cybersecurity entry-level, mid-level, and advanced positions

A rising sector of the economy, cybersecurity requires qualified workers to fill entry-, mid-, and advanced-level positions. The demand for cybersecurity positions is predicted to increase by 18% over the following five years.

The goal of cybersecurity is to prevent illegal access, misuse, or destruction of computer networks and information. Professionals in cybersecurity come in a wide range of specialties and skill sets. All that is needed for entry-level cybersecurity jobs is a high school diploma or GED equivalent as well as some on-the-job training. An associate’s degree in computer engineering or a closely related discipline, one year of professional experience, plus a few professional education programs are needed for mid-level roles. A bachelor’s degree in computer science or a closely related discipline is necessary for advanced-level roles, along with three years of relevant employment experience and specialized training.

How Do I Enter A Career In Security Management or Administration?

Managerial or administrative security jobs are the route to go if you’re just getting started in the security industry and wish to ultimately advance to some of the greatest security professions. However, since these are high-level professions, more than just a knack for intelligence organizations and a passion for working in this industry will be necessary.

The easiest way to get started could be to apply for an entry-level security job or to enlist in the military for a certain amount of time. Most people who succeed in the security field start with one of these two positions. A police position can be in order after serving in the military for two to four years. The most typical approaches to increase security are as follows. People who accept and maintain low-level positions rarely move far beyond them.

What’s it like to work as a security officer?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment levels of gambling surveillance officers, detectives, and security guards will rise by 3% between 2019 and 2029. The BLS estimates that there will be 144,000 new open jobs per year on average.

Becoming a security guard can also be a highly meaningful and rewarding job for many people. Additionally, given the variety of job designations in the security sector, there may be greater opportunities for you to advance your career and increase both your compensation and your responsibilities.

Education for the Best Paid Security Jobs

There is also the option of taking official classes to learn the security disciplines. Even while a master’s degree will assist you to advance your security career, practical experience is still beneficial. Never undervalue the importance of earning an online security degree while also gaining practical experience.

Finally, having a network of connections is always a smart idea. These can be created when serving in the military or working in any other setting that involves security. Relationships built on mutual respect and confidence are the foundation for the highest-paying and safest security positions.

Is The Pay For Cybersecurity Jobs Higher Than Other Security Jobs?

Physical security positions with the highest salaries are extremely well paid. But obtaining them requires a lot of experience and knowledge. A typical cyber security job can earn between $54,000 and $116,000 per year, according to Payscale.com.

That’s nearly $30,000 more a year than the typical security job salary. The highest paying positions in cyber security need a lot of networking to land and are highly skilled. Of course, becoming a private bodyguard for a wealthy individual or high-ranking CEO would be among the physical security occupations with the greatest compensation. These are unquestionably the best security positions out there, and the pay is well above what an IT professional can ever make. However, these positions ultimately don’t exist since they are so uncommon.

In the end, higher-level positions in cyber security are considerably more in demand and offer a lot more practical path to earning $100,000 or more annually. However, unlike physical security, you’re much less likely to “age out” of the field before the greatest jobs in cyber security become available. The finest jobs in cyber security may be as elusive.

Advantages of a career in security

A few of the top advantages of working as a security guard include:

  • Routine hours: Security guards typically work scheduled shifts. You have the same workdays and hours regardless of whether you do the day shift, swing shift, or night shift. This enables you to organize your calendar around other hobbies or your schoolwork.
  • Now taking applications: Safety measures are always necessary for both people and property.
  • Simple training: One prerequisite for employment as a security guard is that you must be at least 18 years old. No university degree is necessary for these positions. Guards must complete training, which is either on the job or through classes delivered by law enforcement officials at a nearby training facility. The typical length of this training for unarmed guards is 8–16 hours.
  • No office: If you’re not a fan of working from a desk, this may be the ideal career for you. These positions frequently require you to be on your feet moving around the workplace and patrolling. However, there are desk jobs in this industry as well if you do like them.
  • Precursor: Working as a security guard is a good place to start if you’re engaged in a long and successful career in security. While establishing connections with individuals in your sector, you’ll study the fundamentals of security. Having this job role on your resume provides you with a competitive edge when looking for salaried security positions.

Qualifications required to work as a security guard

Not everybody possesses the skills necessary to work as a security guard. To succeed in this field, you must have a specific set of skills. These are the leading four:

  • Excellent communication: For this job, you must possess exceptional communication abilities. Whether you operate with the general public, private businesses, or bigger companies, it needs to explain protocol and norms to others.
  • Flexibility: The work requires a variety of skills beyond simply patrolling the region. Sometimes, nothing can go awry during a shift. When things do happen, they are typically unanticipated. You must therefore be adaptable to meet the diverse needs and circumstances in your environment.
  • Willingness to learn: Security technology is always evolving to satisfy prevailing needs and desires. You must become tech-savvy and become proficient with a variety of technologies and devices if you wish to advance in your security job.
  • Thinking quickly: A strong security guard is adept at making quick decisions. You must apply logic to regain command of the situation when events around you become out of control.

How Do I Get A Job In Global Security?

It requires considerable effort, perseverance, talent, and having contacts to land security jobs abroad. But it gets a little trickier when you want to work in global security. You will initially require the credentials. This criterion may be satisfied by military background, a degree, or demonstrable practical experience. The next step is picking a place. Choose a location you enjoy and/or where many people speak your native tongue. Third, travel to the nation and meet the people. Spend some time and effort networking and building relationships.


According to the information provided above, one can choose from a wide range of rewarding security service occupations to achieve work happiness, financial stability, and personal happiness. Given this, you should carefully analyze the aforementioned positions and decide which, if any, would be a suitable fit for you. All the best!

Frequently Asked Questions on security jobs

  • What cyber security jobs have the greatest salaries?

Architect for security solutions. Range of annual salaries: $156,500 to $194,500.

  • Which cybersecurity position is ideal?

Your hobbies and skills will determine this.

  • What positions in cybersecurity are in demand?

There is a high need for positions as computer network administrators and computer network architects.

  • Which nation has the greatest need for cybersecurity professionals?

The demand for cybersecurity employment is greatest in Singapore.

  • Is a job in cybersecurity good?

Given the high demand for professionals in the field, cybersecurity is a wonderful career presently.