What Is Burnout and How Do I Deal With It?

Even the most productive staff’s performance and well-being could be negatively impacted by intense tiredness brought on by ongoing working stress. This condition of physical, psychological, and emotional exhaustion is frequently referred to as “burnout,” and it is becoming more prevalent across a wide range of industries and occupations. If you work in a profession that you are aware of as being high-stress, avoiding and controlling burnout proactively might be one of your strongest personal assets. In this post, we go through the explanation of burnout, its risk factors, and strategies for managing and preventing it.

What exactly is burnout?

Burnout is a phrase used to describe a group of stress-related indicators such as excessive weariness, sleep disturbances, agitation, and cynicism or anger on an emotional level. Physical complaints including headaches, stomach pains, and muscle problems can also be signs of burnout. It’s crucial to experiment with new techniques or look into other ways of lowering your stress levels if you suspect that you are facing burnout.

Burnout risk factors

Depending on your personal situation and the degree of stress your job involves, burnout is a possibility in practically every field of employment. Knowing the many causes of burnout might help you foresee it and take preventative steps to control or prevent it. Below are a few factors that could lead to burnout:

External force

Being under pressure from outside factors, such as employment, can increase your risk of burnout. Some occupations, like emergency responders, could be more demanding by nature and may make some individuals more susceptible to burnout. Toxic work relationships could also add to the external pressures which some people may experience as burnout. Tight deadlines, crises, and unplanned and protracted conditions can all put physical, psychological, and emotional pressure on one, which might result in exhaustion.

Stressful interpersonal interactions at work are one particular kind of outside strain that can result in burnout. Workplaces that don’t support your principles or convictions might stress you out and make you burn out. Having trouble with how your colleagues interact at work can also lead to burnout.

Internal force

Internal stressors may occasionally also contribute to burnout symptoms. Self-imposed timelines and performance benchmarks can occasionally seem both unachievable and essential. Due to internal motivations like pride, and ambition, as well as other internal motivators, you could feel forced to labor in a way that causes burnout. The greatest method to spot these risk factors can occasionally be to be aware of your own goals and circumstances because they can be complex.

10 methods for avoiding and managing burnout

You can take action to perhaps avoid and control burnout if you have determined that you’re at risk for it or are already exhibiting these symptoms. These helpful actions are frequently described as self-care. Below are a few strategies for dealing with burnout and engaging in self-care:

Reach out

The overwhelming feeling that occasionally comes with burnout can sometimes be exacerbated by isolated feelings. For instance, if you’re the only person in your office assigned to a particular high-stress duty, this may add to your sense of overstress and tiredness. If you are feeling burnout, think about getting in touch with a friend, member of your family, or another connection to discuss your views and perspectives.

Take some time to rest.

The physical, psychological, and emotional impacts of burnout may be lessened with time off from the situations that contributed to your experience. If at all possible, take a break by going on a trip, taking an absence from your job, or taking a sabbatical. If your circumstances prevent you from taking a long vacation, you might want to think about scheduling more downtime into your regular schedule if you can.

Find balance

Find ways to redirect part of your energy toward activities that make you happy if your burnout is the outcome of an unbalanced relationship between your personal and professional lives. For instance, if you frequently work extra, you can think about adopting a simpler schedule to make time for your loved ones. To come up with more strategies for striking a healthy balance between your professional and your personal life, try conducting a brainstorming exercise utilizing paper and pen or a computer tool.


Many jobs today demand employees be “plugged in,” or linked to technology, in order to carry out their duties. This strong digital presence, when coupled with the widespread usage of screens away from work, might give the impression that it’s challenging to unplug. For your online activity, you might want to set a time limit. The majority of devices feature a “leisure time” functionality that you’ll discover in the device settings, and you can also set an alarm to gently remind you whenever it’s time to stop working.

Establish limits.

Establishing boundaries, whether those boundaries are between you and people, you and your job, or even just you and your behavioral patterns, can be a highly effective method to stop burnout before it happens and to deal with it once it does.

For instance, try writing a preventative email instead of engaging in a particular type of workplace contact if you are aware that it drains your emotional reserves. Consider placing concrete reminders of your preferred concentration around your home if you struggle to quit thinking about your job even while you’re at home. Try deleting the email app from your smartphone if you frequently read work emails late at night so you only have access to emails on a computer.


It is frequently possible to delegate tasks to other people in various professional roles. Ask your colleagues or bosses for assistance if you feel your job is too heavy to handle. To assist you in managing your workload more effectively, consider any shared responsibilities you have with teammates and see if they would be willing to take them on.


The mind-body connection can function better and overall well-being at home and at work can be enhanced with enough sleep. Try to include more rest into your schedule if lack of sleep is a factor in your burnout. Consider creating a calming, predictable evening routine that includes a warm shower, a hot mug of tea, and reading one hour before bed. Keeping away from electronics in the hours before bed can also improve the sleep you get.


If you are experiencing burnout, regular exercise can also support your psychological, physical, and emotional well-being. Some people discover that exercising first thing in the morning supports their stamina levels and overall sense of well-being. Others might utilize a mid-afternoon stroll to spice up their days and produce endorphins; a hormone associated to exercise that improves emotions of well-being. To combat some of the symptoms of burnout, try setting aside a certain amount of time every day for exercise.

Eat a healthy diet

Dietary factors, such as the capacity to handle prolonged stress, can affect overall health and wellness. Eating nutritious foods may increase stamina on the physical, psychological, and emotional levels and serve as a pleasant routine during the day. To possibly prevent burnout, look into healthy eating habits that can be effective for you.

Think about your alternatives.

Consider inventive ways you could be able to change a work- or personal-related circumstance that is causing you burnout so that it better suits your needs. Consider selecting just one of those hobbies to create time for relaxation, for instance, if you volunteer on the holidays and your company also asks you to perform voluntary overtime. If your position description has changed dramatically and now includes responsibilities that give you a lot of stress, think about how you might be able to modify your work to reflect this.


Instead of keeping your attention on your thoughts, switch your attention to your body and the way it feels as you move, such as the feel of the breeze on your skin or the sound of your feet striking the ground, to reduce tension as much as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What exactly is burnout?

Burnout is a condition characterized by total physical, psychological, and emotional weariness. You could find it difficult to participate in the kinds of things you would typically find important if you are burnt out.

  • The three stages of burnout are what?

Although the procedure can be stopped at any moment, these steps typically go from Stage 1 to Stage 3 in order.

  • Stage 1: Arousal to Stress. • Intolerance.  • Anxiety
    • Stage 2: Conservation of energy. • Being late. • Putting off or submitting work after its due date.
    • Stage 3: is exhaustion. • Ongoing melancholy or depression. • Suicidal thoughts.
  • Who suffers from burnout the most?

Burnout rates are higher among female K–12 employees than male colleagues, although this is true of all American workers as a whole. Even still, the level of burnout among male K-12 employees is much higher than that of male employees in other sectors (Specifically, 38% versus 26%).