High-Paying Certificate Jobs

The ability to switch industries or launch a new profession quickly is facilitated by certifications. Many well-paying certificate jobs merely need a certification to prove your expertise and knowledge of the field, though. Finding the curriculum and career that are the best fit for you and your career objectives can be made easier by learning about the various careers you can follow after completing various certifications. In this post, we look in-depth at well-paying certificate jobs and provide a list of some other careers that you might want to look into but simply need to complete an industry-related certification.

Table of Contents

What Exactly Is a Certificate?

Professional certificates, or generally certifications, are labeled qualifications provided to a candidate by a business or organization to demonstrate their suitability for a position. They are exhibited as proof that the person has received the necessary instruction, training, and preparation for the position. Only after a course has been completed and the necessary assessments have been carried out by an accredited institution or independent body are certificates issued.

There is a distinction between certification and certificates.


  • A prize is given by educational institutions for finishing the necessary curriculum.
  • It takes less time to get them.
  • A formal educational procedure produces certificates.
  • They are available to both novices and experts.
  • An academic procedure is used to determine the course.
  • Concentrates on the growth of knowledge and consciousness.
  • Listed in a resume’s education section.


  • Awarded by organizations and professional firms to demonstrate that the recipient is skilled in their particular employment role.
  • It takes a longer period to collect them—typically over 5 hours and up to a month.
  • Following the conclusion of the examination process, certifications are given.
  • They can only be obtained with experience.
  • Industry basics and principles are predetermined.
  • Shows continued training growth.
  • Leads in a designation that can be used after a person’s name, like PMP, SPHR, CPA, and much more.

The Benefits of Short-Term Courses

Short-term programs are designed to assist students in developing competence in niche subject areas. Some of these programs are intended for working adults who want to adapt to new situations, while others are for young people who want to continue their education.

Short-term programs have been available for a while. They are perfect for anyone looking to begin a career in this industry because they have assisted thousands of people in better understanding subjects like coding, artificial intelligence (AI), business management, etc.

Opening Up New Possibilities

There are quick online courses that can assist you in acquiring specific skills, even though they may sound like something you’d find in a late-night commercial.

People are now able to receive the education they require to be properly ready for work opportunities that call for particular talents thanks to the accessibility of these courses.

These classes are largely concerned with assisting students in honing their skill sets to be more prepared for the workforce. You will be ready for any employment chances requiring those skills if you enroll in a course.

Ability to Quickly Change Interests

Do you feel stuck in a rut right now? You must change, but you must first know where to begin. Joining a short-term course is the optimal option we have for you!

Only a select few of us are fortunate enough to be able to determine our long-term objectives or identify our areas of interest right away when we begin studying a subject. Many of us may not have had the chance to select our favorite subject in the initial place.

In such circumstances, what better method to get started than to enroll in a brief course that will teach you everything you need to know and open up new possibilities for your future professional path?

Who knows what chances might be available for you once you’ve earned your certification and taken the initial step toward achieving your objective?

Work-Life Balance

Upskilling or learning is a dream that many professional jobs haven’t yet realized because it would interfere with their ability to combine work and personal obligations. This flexibility is provided through short-term courses, which provide students the ability to study without interfering with their professional lives.

Self-paced programs provide students the freedom to finish the material at their own pace, so they can do it whenever it is most convenient for them. The learner’s choices can also be catered to in other courses.

Practical Experience

Students receive both theoretical and hands-on instruction, as well as the chance to work on a variety of projects, which helps them to have a more realistic perspective of their education. Learners acquire experience, abilities, and ethical work habits.

Excellent Pay

You have a choice of employment if you want to pursue a career in technology. There are plenty of opportunities available. However, businesses are growing pickier about the employees they hire.

They are seeking people with the necessary abilities, as well as those who are skilled in cutting-edge technologies.

As a result of their high pay, these job descriptions are also quite lucrative. Your road will be simpler if you can join the group as soon as possible.

After graduation, one option to advance is by enrolling in short-term professional courses to gain an advantage over your competition.

Can Certification Increase My Income?

Having a certification makes one distinguish themselves from others. For instance, you can be paid more than a standard employee if you hold an IT certification that is relevant to your current position. A qualification for the job description is a certification. Additionally, it does help to receive higher promotions, as these raise salaries immediately.

Skills are improved and are always being built through certifications. This improves the practical experience, which contributes to high compensation. There is potential for job advancement through certification. One might anticipate a higher pay the more professional training certification they have, as this provides a professional skill set to exhibit their knowledge.

Lucrative positions you may obtain with a certificate

With simply a certification, you can work in several lucrative roles across numerous sectors. Because of their low entry barriers, great demand, or chances for growth, many of these positions are regarded as high-paying. Below are some positions that simply call for a certificate and pay over $50,000 annually:

1. Paralegal

National average yearly salary: $52,571

Among their main responsibilities in the certificate, jobs are assisting attorneys and other legal experts with the preparation and organization of legal documentation for client hearings and cases. To assist lawyers in getting ready for impending proceedings, these experts help plan client contact with attorneys and go over case specifics. These people also summarize cases for attorneys, investigate cases, draft legal papers, file them with the courts, archive them, and keep track of legal developments that might have an impact on court cases.

2. An air traffic controller

National average yearly salary: $53,111

Primary responsibilities for air traffic controllers in certificate jobs include tracking flights around the airfield using a range of technologies and radar equipment. Additionally, these experts speak with pilots to alert them of any potential dangers, weather patterns, or other elements that could influence takeoff or landing. These controllers also regulate air and land traffic, test technical equipment to assure appropriate operation, notify emergency services in case of problems on the ground or in the air, and help with aircraft search operations.

3. Mechanic for heavy vehicles

National average yearly salary: $54,577

The major responsibilities of heavy truck mechanics in certificate jobs are to maintain and prepare heavy equipment, which is frequently utilized in manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and construction. These experts examine heavy machinery to find any safety issues or maintenance issues, and they inform senior executives of equipment maintenance needs. They employ specialized diagnostic tools to learn more about mechanical faults and failures, which can aid them in locating the proper parts to repair the machinery. These experts also service equipment and do regular preventative maintenance to ensure its best performance.

4. Wind energy specialist

National average yearly salary: $56,230

Wind turbine technicians’ key responsibilities in certificate jobs include setting up and maintaining the equipment needed to capture wind energy, which is then used to power machinery. They examine the turbine’s aesthetic and mechanical integrity and correct any flaws discovered during the visual assessment. Additionally, these specialists check mechanical and electrical systems for optimal operation and provide maintenance as necessary. To better comprehend wind energy, technicians also gather data from turbines. To make sure that the data from the turbine transmits to adjacent monitoring stations, some specialists also take care of underground transmission networks and fiber optic wires.

5. Technician in industrial engineering

National average yearly salary: $57,320

The main responsibilities of industrial engineering specialists in certificate jobs are to assist engineers in resolving issues with a company’s present production methods or equipment. These experts make recommendations for equipment and layout design that will help workflow. They examine blueprints and designs to produce workable ideas that can assist a company in quickly addressing its issues with industrial manufacturing. Some technicians also assist with the planning of engineering work tasks, the creation of charts, and the data collection necessary to evaluate the efficacy of ongoing process enhancement projects.

6. An insurance agent

National average yearly salary: $58,461

Primary responsibilities of insurance agents in certificate jobs include selling consumers a range of insurance policies to protect their property and revising current policy plans. To assist clients in making knowledgeable selections about their insurance plans, these specialists provide customers with information on auto, property, casualty, life, medical, and other kinds of insurance. To guarantee the sustainability of coverage for insurance consumers, they make suggestions for plan revisions, design individualized insurance plans, and handle policy renewals. In compliance with the rules and regulations now in effect in the sector, agents also assist consumers in filing insurance claims and keeping customer information.

7. Pipefitter

National average yearly salary: $59,390

The main responsibilities of pipefitters in certificate jobs include constructing strong pipe networks that efficiently transmit heat, water heating, cooling, and steam to different portions of a building or piece of machinery. To ensure correct fit and safe operation, they cut, build, and repair pipes. To increase the system’s longevity and guarantee continuous operation, these experts also repair and maintain existing drainage systems. Additionally, pipefitters frequently check and test systems to make sure they work.

8. Director of funerals

National average yearly salary: $60,200

Primary responsibilities of funeral directors in certificate jobs include coordinating and managing funeral services as well as assisting the deceased’s family and friends. To maintain effective and high-quality operations, these experts organize personnel schedules. In addition to supervising the embalming procedure, they work with families to better understand their preferences for corpse preparation, visitation, ceremonies, funerals, and cremations. Funeral directors are also in charge of informing cemeteries, clergy, and pallbearers of the plans for the funeral. They can also send obituaries, death notifications, and other papers to organizations like the government.

9. An architect’s draftsman

National average yearly salary: $61,219

Architectural drafters in certificate jobs create structural characteristics and creative aspects for new structures, as well as other sorts of construction or rehabilitation projects. They produce detailed blueprints using computer-aided design software and utilize sketches made by engineers and architects as a guide to make sure their final design adheres to their standards. To suit client needs, these professionals design customized goods, work with other builders and provide plan specifications.

10. A solar installer

National average yearly salary: $62,420

Installing, maintaining, and repairing solar panels on structures and parcels of land are the key responsibilities of solar installers in certificate jobs. Additionally, they evaluate possible solar sites to see whether they are suitable for the installation of solar panels. These experts do precise measurements, solar panel setup modifications, and panel-to-electrical system connections. This personnel also grounds electrical equipment, looks into market trends, follow safety regulations, and conducts maintenance inspections at solar panel sites.

11. Building and construction inspector

National average yearly salary: $62,860

Building and construction inspectors’ main responsibilities in certificate jobs include examining constructing buildings to determine whether they adhere to building standards and norms. To assure the structural stability and client safety of the construction projects, these experts conduct inspections before, during, and after the work is completed. Some inspectors also conduct project close-out meetings, keep inspection documents, help with public or customer inquiries, submit inspection variances to city architects, and issue violation notifications when a structure doesn’t comply with industry standards.

12. A web designer

National average yearly salary: $67,868

Web developers in certificate jobs are primarily responsible for designing and coding websites that are both aesthetically pleasing and useful. These experts use the foundations of coding to create secure, attractive, and efficient website codes. Additionally, developers investigate reported problems to locate possible programming or usability problems and develop fixes to enhance user experiences.

13. A registered professional nurse

National average yearly salary: $69,775

Under the direction of a registered nurse, licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) in certificate jobs are responsible for providing individuals with high-quality patient care. Many LVNs assist doctors and registered nurses directly by keeping track of patients’ vitals, reviewing patient charts, and providing simple bedside care. These clinical and administrative experts also aid with nursing care, provide nourishing meals, start IV infusions, dress injuries, prescribe medications, assess patients, and sterilize medical devices.

14. Agent in real estate

National average yearly salary: $94,526

Real estate agents’ main responsibilities in certificate jobs are to assist clients in buying, renting, and selling properties on their needs, finances, and lifestyle. By creating marketing campaigns and promoting their services or property investment listings to pique consumers’ interest, these specialists create client prospects. The creation of property listings, hosting of open houses or showtimes, creation of purchase propositions, presentation of information regarding the proposals to sellers, evaluation of purchase agreements, and facilitating of negotiations between sellers and buyers are all additional services provided by agents.

15. A medical technician

National average yearly salary: $95,694

The main responsibilities of surgical technologists in certificate jobs are to prepare operating rooms, set up surgical equipment, and help medical professionals throughout surgical procedures. These experts set up sterile operating rooms by examining surgical instruments, cleaning the space by industry best practices, and organizing the space to ensure a surgical procedure’s ideal workflow. Cleaning operating rooms, keeping track of surgical tools, and staying current with industry expertise through training sessions or supplementary study are all ways they get ready patients for surgery.

Other high-paying employment that a certificate can provide

Here are a few more well-paying certificate jobs to take into consideration that merely calls for a degree. Because they have low admission requirements and few educational qualifications, many of these positions pay well.

1. Building and Construction Inspector

To ensure that all necessary rules and regulations are followed, design and construction inspectors in certificate jobs examine buildings and construction sites. Many municipal or community college certificates are held by construction and building inspectors, although some may even hold two-year associate degrees.

Pay and Career Outlook: Building and construction workers have a median yearly pay of $62,860, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that their employment will expand by an average of 3% between 2019 and 2029.

2. Civil and architectural drafter

A civil and architectural drafter in certificate jobs draws the structural elements of buildings or makes maps for engineering projects, such as public projects, bridges, and roadways. The majority of drafters have formal education in mechanical drawing, engineering, computer-aided drafting and designing (CADD), and other engineering and technological disciplines. A certification course, a two-year curriculum, or a four-year training course may be used to provide this instruction.

Pay and Career Outlook: Between 2019 and 2029, there will probably be a reduction in the number of positions for drafters, who currently earn a median annual income of $57,960, based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

4. Technician in Industrial Engineering

A manufacturing facility or other industrial site’s operating procedures in certificate jobs may be revised with the assistance of industrial engineering technicians. Their objective is to improve the factory’s efficiency. The majority of industrial engineering technicians hold a certificate or associate’s degree from a vocational-technical institution.

Pay and Career Outlook: Industrial engineering technicians make a median yearly income of $57,320, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that between 2019 and 2029, there will be a slower-than-average 1% increase in employment for them.

5. Plumber and Pipefitter

Pipes are installed and repaired by plumbers and pipefitters in workplaces, residences, factories, and other structures. Most plumbers in certificate jobs complete a certificate program or a 4- to 5-year apprenticeship to master their trade. In some states, licenses are also required for pipefitters and plumbers.

Pay and Career Outlook: Pipefitters and plumbers make an annual median income of $56,330, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that their job will expand by 4% on average between 2019 and 2029.

6. Court Reporter

A court reporter in certificate jobs records court events including depositions and trials. The majority of court reporters work in governments or courts. A lot of court reporters hold at minimum a post-secondary credential in court reporting from a vocational school or state school.

Pay and Career Outlook: Court reporters have a median yearly pay of $61,660, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 9% faster-than-average job growth for them between 2019 and 2029.

7. Worker in sheet metal

A person who works with thin sheet metal builds and/or installs things. It may be necessary to handle huge sheets, drill holes in them, weld, bolt, rivet, or solder sheets as well as measure and label the measurements of the sheets. Many sheet metal workers in certificate jobs receive their training through an apprenticeship or a vocational school professional qualification.

Pay and Job Outlook: Sheet metal workers earn an annual median income of $51,370, and between 2019 and 2029, they will experience slower-than-average employment growth of 1%.

8. Technician and Installer of Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

These installers and mechanics in certificate jobs, also referred to as “HVACR technicians,” operate on HVACR systems in residences, workplaces, and other structures. Typically, trade or technical schools, community colleges, or other educational institutions provide degree or certificate programs for HVACR technicians. These courses might span anywhere from six months and a year.

Pay and Job Outlook: The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that HVACR technicians will experience an average job increase of 4% between 2019 and 2029, with a median annual income of $50,590.

Finding the Best Program for You

There are many different certificate programs available, so it’s crucial to pick the one that will best support you in achieving your career objectives. Think about these suggestions when you select the best program for you.

Utilize the Certification Finder on CareerOneStop.

To get a list of certifications, use the Certification Finder to search for certifications by name, institution, sector, or profession. Additionally, you’ll learn about the certifying body, how to become certified, and exam specifics.

Speak to Your Contacts

Ask those already working in the sector what types of degrees and credentials they often hold if you are interested in beginning a certain career path. Set up informational conversations to request certification recommendations from these individuals that could advance your career. Get their opinions about the college and the certificate program if one of your acquaintances has completed one.

Talk to Your Present Employer

Consult with your employer if you’re interested in a certificate program that will advance your career. They could be able to recommend certain certificates that would improve your resume and possibly get you promoted.

Tip: If a certificate program is relevant to your existing career, find out if your employer will pay for it completely or in part.

Examine nearby schools

Despite some being offered by businesses and other institutions, colleges typically issue certification programs. Once you’ve decided on the type of certificate you desire, research to see what courses your area colleges, state schools, and vocational-technical institutions have to offer. Many certificate courses at state universities and in-state institutions are less expensive.

Locate a School with Accreditation

Ensure the institution you choose is approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or the Department of Education. For-profit institutions are seldom accredited, and they occasionally don’t offer challenging coursework or practical employment services. The mere fact that a school runs numerous advertisements—in print, online, or elsewhere—does not imply that it is the best option for you.

Choose a program that accommodates your schedule.

Examine the fees, lengths of time required for completion, and benefits of each course. Does on-the-job training exist? What about examinations or courses? Make sure the program you choose works with your schedule. Make sure the program’s timetable is flexible, for instance, if you intend to keep working full-time while enrolled.

If something seems too appealing to be true, it usually is.

A certificate program is probably too simple, too affordable, or too quick to finish. Check the program’s accreditation by doing some research.

Consult former students

Speak with past participants of certificate programs as a further means of avoiding subpar ones. Most universities ought to be happy to connect you with graduates who can address your questions concerning their course of study. Inquire of the program’s graduates how it went and whether it assisted them in finding employment.

Consult with the officers of your professional union or association.

Inquire about professional certifications in your area that can increase your marketability as well as about any associations-sponsored or provided training.


A four-year degree is not necessary for all high-paying positions; there are others. Vocational education or a two-year degree may qualify you to begin in some of these job opportunities. One of the greatest options to think about is an apprenticeship because they mix instruction with compensation and culminate in a diploma or certificate after completion.

Frequently Asked Questions about certificate jobs

  • How Should Certifications Be Listed on a Resume?

You might mention your certificates in the “education” part of your resume, depending on your industry or target position. However, if you hold numerous credentials, it could be more sensible to construct a different section for any pertinent licenses or certifications.

  • How Can I Add Credentials to My LinkedIn Profile?

You may distinguish out by adding certificates to your LinkedIn profile. Scroll down to “Certifications & Licensing” in your profile after clicking the “Add profile section.” Once you click on it, you may enter all the necessary information.

  • What Is the Duration of CPR Certifications?

CPR certifications are valid for two years after the final day of the month during which the certificate of course completion was issued.