How to Compose a Job Inquiry Email (With Sample & Template)

Job inquiry emails demonstrate your desire to work in the organization, whether or not there are any openings. Job inquiry emails are a wonderful approach to interact with businesses for potential employment when passively looking for work. Your résumé will be kept on file, and you’ll be contacted if your qualifications match their requirements.

There are other places to hunt for employment prospects outside job boards. Nowadays, a lot of businesses look for new employees via their social media profiles, websites, and other internet tools. Consider writing to a company to ask about job openings if you are interested in working for them but are unsure of whether they’re recruiting for a position that suits your qualifications.

In this post, we’ll go over what a job inquiry email is, why it’s crucial, and how to construct one using an example.

What is the definition of a job inquiry email?

Emails sent to companies with unlisted job openings are known as job inquiry emails. Job applicants include their resumes, describe their qualifications, and indicate their desire in working for the organization inside these communications. An employer is more inclined to see your resume when there are no openings. As soon as the business starts conducting interviews to fill open positions, they save the resumes they like to a file.

Due to its resemblance to a cover letter about style and content, an inquiry for a job opening is sometimes referred to as an inquiry cover letter. The primary distinction is that it’s presented to an employer unsolicited or in the manner of a cold email. You can significantly improve your chances of being invited for an interview by developing a strong cover letter.

Why would you send a job inquiry email?

One effective technique to introduce yourself to a firm and build a relationship is by writing a job inquiry email. By submitting an uninvited inquiry, you demonstrate your sincere interest in the organization and position yourself as a more desirable candidate. Additionally, you can take advantage of the email to arrange a meeting to ask more questions about the position and talk about where you could fit in. Mailing a job inquiry email places your identity and qualifications in front of that company for potential employment even if they don’t currently have positions available, or perhaps none in your field of expertise.

How to craft a job inquiry email

While it’s simple to write a job inquiry email, it takes careful research and editing to do it justice. When drafting a job inquiry email, remember to:

1. Examine the industry

Even if you submit a job inquiry email to a company you know, do further research on them. Explore their history, company structure, and, if available, the full names of directors or recruiters by going off of their website. If you are familiar with the recipient of your job inquiry email, including pertinent information about them or their interests will help you catch their attention. For instance, you might learn from reading the recruiting manager’s biography that you share a passion for tennis. Mention that in the job inquiry email and cater to their whims.

You should do extensive research on the business you’re approaching before beginning to write a job inquiry letter. The only method to write a trustworthy letter to an unknown recipient is this way. You can achieve several goals by researching. To determine if the company has a function that is appropriate for you, it first allows you to acquire a feeling of the mission, activities, and goals of the organization. It will also be easier for you to choose the appropriate tone and style for your job inquiry letter if you are acquainted with the company’s public persona.

Almost every well-known business has websites, social media pages, and other online assets that offer a wealth of knowledge regarding their activities, cultures, and products. By looking up the company’s website, you may find out everything you need to know about it.

You could also wish to research the present employees of the business you’re interested in. Look at the staff profiles on the organization’s social media pages by going there. This can help you determine the kind of knowledge and expertise you’ll require for the position. Note the characteristics that they have in common. Your job inquiry letter will be built on the data you gather, so keep that in mind.

2. Select the proper contact.

Before creating your letter, you should think about who to address it to. It’s preferable to address your job inquiry email with a specific recipient rather than a general salutation like “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Madam or Sir.”

See if anyone you know works there by asking your friends, family, and contacts in the business. If not, you might need to conduct a little digging on the business’ website or social media channels. A business frequently lists the name of the recruiting manager, recruiter, or employee who is in charge of team building on its website.

Although you can send an email to the HR department asking about job openings, you may need to wait before you hear back. By emailing the person you’ll be collaborating with directly if you’re employed, you can expedite the hiring process.

3. Customize your subject line

You can begin composing your letter once you’ve decided who the ideal contact is. Starting with a suitable subject line is the first step in creating a successful job inquiry email asking about work opportunities. Your grasp of the culture of the organization should be shown in the subject line.

Creating a more conversational email will demonstrate your suitability as an appropriate candidate for the organization if you come across informal and inventive employee bios while doing your research. Writing in a conversational tone gives you the ability to inject a little charm to help you stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression. One effective technique to begin an email about a job opening is to include the recipient’s first name and a brief statement about its goal in the subject line.

Your subject line must be more formal if you’re emailing an organization with a more formal and conservative culture about a job position. It must also be brief, addressing the letter’s goal right away.

4. Write an introductory sentence.

An effective job inquiry email will clearly describe its purpose in the first line. Make sure to introduce yourself and state that the purpose of your message is to inquire about a position. If at all feasible, briefly describe why you’re interested in this particular business as well.

Example: “My name is Rohit Krishna, and I would like to inquire about employment possibilities as a long-time enthusiast of the work that your company does in molecular research.”

5. Offer your skills

You should attempt to keep the dialogue from becoming one-sided when you are cold-emailing a corporation about employment prospects. Make it appear as though you are selling your knowledge rather than seeking employment in the body of your email inquiring about career openings.

Introduce yourself and describe how you learned about the organization at the start of the letter. After that, clearly describe your area of expertise and how it may benefit the business. You might also remark on how impressed you are with the organization’s expansion after recently following its development. Propose to share your views with the reader if your study revealed that the organization has been experiencing issues that you might be able to fix.

When sending a cold email asking about employment opportunities, be careful how you word your offer. If you’re unclear if you’ve written the proper message, assume that you’ve gotten the same job inquiry email from a potential employee by replacing the name of the recipient with your own. Consider if the letter makes it apparent what the applicant has to give and whether you’ll continue reading it.

6. Compose a brief, succinct letter.

Keep your message brief and to the point when composing an email in light of a job opening. The person who receives your job inquiry email about a job opportunity is undoubtedly busy and will value its conciseness and readability.

Your message might also be seen by the reader on a tablet or smartphone. Use brief, straightforward sentences to describe your knowledge and accomplishments to keep the whole letter under the primary reading area. To avoid long blocks of text and increase readability, keep paragraphs to no longer than three sentences. The goal is to provide a brief introduction, declare your core values, describe how you can assist the firm in solving an issue, and end on a friendly note.

7. Produce a first draft.

A job inquiry email should be treated professionally. Write several drafts and carefully edit each one. Phrases or sentences that go off-topic or seem unprofessional should be removed, while helpful material should be included. Consider this email to be the company’s first interview with you since it serves as their introduction to you.

8. Speak in a formal tone

Maintain a professional tone in your writing even if the recipient of this email is a cutting-edge company that uses a conversational tone in their marketing. You are not addressing them as a marketer or prospective client. Instead, you’re treating them as a business expert who might someday stand in for them. Keep a professional attitude and tone all through, treating this email like an interview as you would have in previous steps.

9. Finish with a strong call to action.

You ought to add a compelling call to action at the close of your cover letter, which could be a request for an informational interview or an interview to discuss future employment. You might also include something to stand out. If you’re applying for a specific position, think about including an example of a prior project that is relevant to the role along with some remarks on how it can be customized for the organization.

10. Include a cover letter and resume

Remember to include a cover letter and resume in your job inquiry email before sending it. Although you might mention your credentials and abilities in the body of the email, employers frequently have questions that can only be answered by resumes and cover letters. Even if there are no vacant positions for you right now, they will keep your CV on file in case there are any in the future.

Template of a job inquiry email

When composing your next job inquiry email, use the following format:

First Section: Heading

The first section serves as a heading. You should address the recruiting manager or anyone else who could see your email directly in this section. Getting specific names helps the employer see you more favorably because you’re speaking to them directly. It demonstrates that you studied them in depth.

Second Section: Introduction

Your introduction is in the second section. Add your opening sentence, which includes your name and the email’s purpose. If more sentences are needed, add them, but keep it succinct and limit it to three. Use the example of an introductory statement from above.

Third Section: Body

Your body is represented by the third section. This section’s length may vary based on the sector, but it shouldn’t be more than three paragraphs (or a total of 15 sentences). Describe your hobbies in more detail and provide a general summary of your qualifications in this section.

Fourth Section: The Conclusion

The fourth paragraph serves as your call to action and closing remarks. Typically, this is where people inform the reader that a cover letter and resume have been attached. As attachments are frequently overlooked if not mentioned, define this as an essential note inside your message.

Fifth Section: Final formality

The fifth and last paragraph serves as the official closing of your communication. You end with a formal and courteous statement here, which is followed by a list of your name, address, and phone number. If necessary, mention your phone availability times or give a link to a meeting provider.

Below is a template job inquiry email that you may employ to create a basic job openings inquiry and then modify to fit different scenarios:

My name is [First name], and I have [summary of work experience] and [area of specialty or interest]. I am in an excellent position in my profession to follow my love of [career objective or dream job] and hope to accomplish so with [name of company]. I could potentially make a useful contribution by [short explanation for considering your application] since [Company]’s principles of [name aspects of company mission] truly align with my professional aspirations.

I’d want to talk about how my skills might match any vacant positions or other possibilities at [Company]. Please take a moment to go through my portfolio and résumé, which are both attached for your perusal. I’m eager to hear from you and arrange a time for us to talk on the phone or in person.

Examples of job inquiry emails

Example 1:

The previous sample template is demonstrated using the following instance:

“Dear Jessica Hernandez and everyone else on the recruitment team at The World Genomics,

My name is Rohit Krishna, and I am writing to you to ask about employment possibilities because I have long admired the work that your company does in molecular research.

I recently received my degree from the West Indian Genomics Academy, and I’m looking for a full-time job with your organization. I’m an expert in animal biology, and I’ve been following your recent developments in obtaining DNA from extinct creatures like dinosaurs very carefully. I think that my studies on cartilage loss and other bone diseases will help your research with recently extinct species. My colleagues and I have created novel techniques for obtaining and examining DNA from bone structures.

I’d be an outstanding candidate for any upcoming opportunities in your labs given my esteemed credentials and body of work.

For your convenience, I’ve attached my cover letter and CV. Please feel free to reach out to me if you happen to have any questions.


Rohit Krishna

Example 2:

You have to have an understanding of what details to add and how to style the letter appropriately if you want to understand how to compose a job inquiry email. This could mean the distinction between the receiver responding to your email right away or having it deleted or classified as spam. If your email is disorganized or challenging to read, you won’t be creating a positive first impression. Examine the following illustration of a job inquiry:

Russell Reid

4788 Charleston Boulevard

Scottsdale, AZ 27683

(000) 761-0033

January 29, 2023

Toby Torres

Recruiting Manager

iPress Design

831 Orchid Lane

Scottsdale, AZ 27684

Dear Toby Torres,

You have my sincere gratitude for reading my letter. I just finished my undergraduate degree at the University of Scottsdale, and I’m seeking a good job in the Phoenix metropolitan region right now.

I’m hoping my application will be taken into account for an entry-level role with iPress Design’s accounting division. My expertise in business accounting and GAAP regulations can be used to support your operations. I’ve been told that iPress is an amazing place to work; therefore I’m interested in joining your prestigious firm.

Please feel free to give me a call or mail me if you have any inquiries about my credentials.

Thank you once more for your time. I anticipate hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Russell Reid

Example 3:

Fresh graduate

My name is Sarah, and I’m a recent RICAD graduate looking to put my graphic design expertise to use in a cutting-edge advertisement setting. I’m well-equipped to contribute to Impression Unlimited’s design team thanks to my previous experience working as a design intern at several cutting-edge firms. I’ve been keen on working at Impression Unlimited since I first saw your outstanding projects at the US Southwest District Advertising Summit in 2020, and I think my portfolio embodies your principles of creativity and adaptability.

You can view my design portfolio and customer reviews on my website by clicking the link I’ve provided. I’d love to get the chance to talk about your goals for growing the design team and find out more concerning any impending art department jobs.


In conclusion, crafting a job inquiry email can be a crucial step in landing your dream job. It’s important to ensure that your email is well-written, concise, and customized to the company and position you’re applying for. Remember to introduce yourself, explain why you’re interested in the position, and highlight your relevant skills and experiences. It’s also important to express gratitude and professionalism in your email and to ensure that it is free of any errors or typos. By following these tips and tailoring your email to each specific job inquiry, you can increase your chances of standing out to potential employers and ultimately securing the job you want.

Frequently Asked Questions about job inquiry email

  • What should I include in the subject line of my job inquiry email?

Your subject line should be clear and concise, and should mention the position you are applying for. For example, “Job Inquiry: Marketing Coordinator Position” or “Application for Sales Associate Role”.

  • Should I attach my resume and cover letter to my job inquiry email?

It’s best to include your resume and cover letter as attachments rather than pasting them into the body of the email. Be sure to mention that your resume and cover letter are attached and provide a brief overview of your qualifications in the body of the email.

  • How long should my job inquiry email be?

Your job inquiry email should be brief and to the point, ideally no longer than one or two short paragraphs. Remember, the goal of the email is to introduce yourself and express interest in the position, not to provide an exhaustive list of your qualifications.

  • What should I include in the body of my job inquiry email?

The body of your job inquiry email should include a brief introduction of yourself, a statement of your interest in the position and the company, and a brief overview of your qualifications and experience. Be sure to keep it concise and focus on your most relevant skills and experiences.

  • Should I follow up on my job inquiry email?

It’s generally a good idea to follow up on your job inquiry email after a few days or a week to check on the status of your application. However, be sure to keep your follow-up email polite and professional, and avoid coming across as pushy or impatient.